Midtown BOH] 12/22/22 CLOSE
Pm shift ran pretty smooth. Business stayed consistent through the night. Roto ran 3 on the 5’s all night long with very few remakes. Despite the temperature drop every hour we stayed somewhat busy for a chilly night. We utilized down time today to cross- train Lorana on The salad sub station and to also individually show staff how to clock in under the correct clock in code. Communication between BOH & FOH is improving with time. There is still some double booking on tickets but the problem maybe a lag within toast. We had yo 86 cookies again. We up there pars to 12 batches from 8, that maybe the best solution going forward. Dough was prepped continuously throughout the shift. We are still not completely caught up to where we need to be but we are getting there. Coolers where cleaned and organized. Estella wasn’t feeling well towards the end of shift tonight. She seemed to have a fever, she was given a covid test (which was negative) and sent home to recover. Tonight’s closing went better than most nights. With the drains no longer an issue and Kalyana available to translate what’s needed from the team were able to Closed in a timely manner. The Temperature outside dropped to about 20 degrees, so taking the trash to the dumpsters were made difficult to say the least. We left facets running and stored water for dough in coolers before leaving just in case of a water crisis following tonight’s freeze.
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