Notes about the shift in general:


Very slow shift. No big orders. No pops. Guys on line cleaned and portioned out items for the line. Looking at it Monday -Wed we could probably open with just two instead of three in back. That would mean the opening Kmod would have to be able to pound and top or run marsal but we need to look at losing or moving one from the line. If we do that we need to keep our am prep on those days. If we do keep them on line then we will need to lose our prep in am and have dough come in earlier to bake off bread and cookies. Just something we need to keep thinking about. WE currently can not make too many moves right this week as Lana leaves on vacation and we have other staff members in the next few weeks taking time off but we are looking at how we can lose one more in am and how to utilize marsal area as well. 

Next shift be on the lookout for:

Sicilian dough and the bake off. Make sure they are not grabbing the Sicilian from dough cooler from the night before as those do not bake off and are not to be used. Only the ones that were pressed for the day should be used. 

1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet? 


2. KMOD stuff:

3. Food stuff:

dressings were good. 
Sicilian dough had good press on it and looked good when I came in at 7am. Let them sit out during lunch as they needed a bit more time. The baking off was good but not great. Not flat but not as risen as they should be. Good taste and good crisp on bottom and crust. The newer Sicilians baked off looked a bit better. We just need to continue to monitor them. 

4. Sales for the shift: 

5. Labor for the shift:


Dough/Dish: Gerardo ( I did let him know that we would make more sub bread tomorrow and I did not add that to the list today. That way Bernadina can get ahead on cookies for us as we need to prep up on rolled out cookie dough.

Prep:Bernadina(had her do sub bread, croutons and cookies this morning as well as have her start shredding mozzarella as soon as she could. She was a beast today on prep!  

Z1R:Edwin - honestly he is good but if we had to lose someone in am off line I

would let him go versus Juan, Pedro or Ronaldo. Kmods: opinions?


Z3R: Pedro. He always is strong and hustles more then any other line guy we have.

Z1M:Juan. Doing alot better with loading pies but did have some house pies we had to waste a slice or two but all and all very good job. He kept his area clean and stayed busy.




Sub/Salad: Leo, he prepped up station and stayed busy. He did a good job!

6. How did you show love?

Told Juan good job on house pies and to keep it up.

7. What did you teach someone today?

Went over slices with Juan and we threw out a few that were not up to standard. We just need to make sure to give them the same confidence that Jodi has up in marsal as I have to search for a slice on her watch and with the guys I can pick them out quickly. Let's just try to be proactive with this with the guys. They do a good job and want to put out great food, we just need to give them the guidance and support and build them up.

8. Repair issues:

The stuff about the stuff:  

Notes for FOH: Good job! Great team this morning and great attitudes!


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