1/30/24 Tuesday a.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general: 

It was a good close with one missed opportunity. There was a bag of tortillas left in the warmer. All stations were cleaned and  closed properly.  Meredith came in to cook cheesecake but I had to go to Restaurant Depot to purchase creamcheese. Dina came in to work with Meredith to cross train in cooking  desserts. I noticed that we could have planned a better training experience for Dina by having a translator to ensure she fully understood the nuances of how to properly bake the cheesecakes. The time was not wasted. She was able to see the process and it will all connect when she can fully communicate with the trainer. We are making the needed adjustments to allow for a better learning process.

Today was full of cross training that will prove to be a benefit. We are very fortunate to have team members that do not see themselves operating in compartments or silos. They are eager to expand their skill set at every opportunity.  The most valuable commodity of our team is not their skill set, it is their mindset. I watched this reality in practice today. Their mindset will improve their skill set and we will have a powerhouse workforce, ready to train others. 

Sales were moderate allowing us to cross train. All temperatures, both hot and cold, were correct. I noticed during station checks that the iceberg lettuce was browning and not acceptable. I found that the lettuce was cut fresh today. I purchased more lettuce and discarded what we had.  The unusable pepperoni was returned and we received the credit. Autochlor representative came and we walked through the PAR levels for our chemicals. It is still important that we do a chemical check at the beginning of every shift to ensure that all required chemicals are in use and replaced as required. 

Taking a close look at the sales by hour,  you can see the following:

  1. The shift started slow and did not increase very much


Next shift be on the lookout for: 

Iceberg Lettuce

1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet? 


2. KMOD stuff:


There are no pending deferred orders for this week or next week

Shift Scrub:

A job code needs to be created for Bailey when he is performing general maintenance.

3. Food stuff:

  • When I arrived the sicilians were looking very good 

  • Salad dressing tasted and approved.

  • Were are ordering smaller quantity of iceberg lettuce with more frequent orders

Because of extreme weather in many parts of our growing areas around the world -the items below are all in light supply and will remain so through January and up:


Red cabbage

Carrots jumbo and medium

White and cremini mushrooms


Red bell peppers

All Tomatoes

Food Pricing Awarness: This is just to be mindful of food cost and not intended to deter us from having an adequate supply on hand. Again, just be aware when receiving these products we should not  accept anything but the best quality possible.

(Pricing made available by Houston Avocado)

Please note: 

  • Lemons down $32.45  down from $35.35

  • Cucumbers $1.69 lb. up from $1.02 lb. the last 2 weeks

  • Onion White up $62 up  from $51.45 the last 2 week

  • Tomatoes $48 up from 35.00 the last 2 week

  • Pepper Bell Green $23.65 down from  $29.15  the last 2 weeks

4. Sales for the shift:  $1,951  up against last week Saturday $2,161

5. Labor for the shift:   91% from 7 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Dough/Dish: Gerardo/Jose. Bailey’s hours will be moved to general maintenance from Dish 

Prep: Estela completed the prep list

Z1R: Pedro trained at Sub/Salas


Z3R:  Will




Z4M: Raymond

Sub/Salad: Leti cross trained at marsal and Dina trained at Sub/Salad and Dessert

6. How did you show love?

I gave Dina a verbal high five for training on dessert

7. What did you teach someone today?

8. Repair issues:

EcoLab Tech. came in tonight and I walked the store with him and looked at areas needing our attention. We need to order toilet brushes to scrub the drains and corners. We are also ordering 2 more floor fans to assist with drying the floors

The stuff about the stuff:  

Notes for FOH:  The FOH did well. 


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