Friday 06/28/24 BOH AM Lana
Notes about the shift in general:
it was a good shift. the set up was solid. Dina and i walked in and got the prep list sorted. i explained to her the new process and the different lists. As people came in, i got them up to speed as well. they were excited to learn some prep. leo tackled dough with Don jose. Not a large dough list, but a good about for Don jose on his own. As people moved into their stations, we found the beginning to be quite busy for the day. We started off with orders that were larger and we struggled to keep up a bit because of a ticket that we never received ir we misplaced. Having to get that ticket out pushed back our make time on the other 2 orders that we had. Luckily those didn't end up coming out late, but the lost ticket did come out a tad bit late. We ended up catching up and maintaining good traction. Once things slowed, the line started working on their prep items, which kept them busy between tickets. We were able to run breaks by 3 and get everything put away. It was a good shift overall. Things stayed relatively slow after 2:30.
Next shift be on the lookout for:
Keep an eye on all things prep. Remember we do not have a pm prep, so we need to stay ahead of things. I had extra prep made this morning to combat this.1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?
4 every 5 through the shift
2. KMOD stuff:
Prep list went well.3. Food stuff:
Sicilain was tip teir today4. Sales for the shift:
26845. Labor for the shift:
Dough/Dish:don jose knocked things out
Prep: Dina adjusted to new. I will eventually officially update them, but she's essentially making more of the harder items
Z1R:Juan did well and balanced his prep items well. He has prep training so it was easier for him. He was good about helping where needed
Z3R: Pedro had his birthday today! He worked well and was on top of things. He seemed excited about Prepping. No do much the red bells
Z3M:Ronaldo did well. I looped him in about the manager meeting and he had some more questions about the pizza tracker log. He says he's okay with coming in for the meetings
Sub/Salad: Leo surprised me. He was very focused today and seemed to really want ro do well. His station is the most affected by the prep list split so he is wanting to get ahead of it
6. How did you show love?
I thank leo for working so hard today.7. What did you teach someone today?
I taught leo how to make dressings8. Repair issues:
The slicer over heated today. Please keep an eye on it as this hasn't happened before. It seems like it over heated because we had it running for a long time. We made a lot more italian assorted then normal today and that could have been the issue. When it over heated, it stopped working until it cooled down and then it worked like normalThe stuff about the stuff:
Prep list has been broken down into the stations. The only issue I saw today was that we couldn't finish ceaser without lemon juice. We would have to add lemon juice to dina list if we are having salad take over dressings. I don't find it time efficient for salad to do Lemons
Notes for FOH:
Things were good. Ross was great with communicating errors we made or things that got lost great team work. Wonderful communication
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