10/25/24 Friday Mid w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  It was a busy day. When I arrived I met with the owner o A wrecker Towing to sign the agreement. He and I walked the lot and went over a few things. They may need video footage of the offender violating the posted notice for court. Whenever your vehicle is towed, you have a right to a day in court. This may be a rear occasion as they will try to take pictures of the violations. I had to strong arm HEB to get Boars head ham. I called HEBs asking for the low sodium Boars Head ham with no success. I found the number one HEB store in Houston. I called their deli and told them that I wanted to purchase two whole hams. I was told no by the deli worker, so I asked to speak to the Deli Manager and he said sorry I can't.. I then asked for the GM, and he also said "Sorry we can't" I explained to the GM that I am not trying to be one of those customers, but I need the product. I explained to the GM that I will only continue to ask for this further up the chain until I get a yes, and we both know the odds of my getting a yes further up the chain is extremely good. The GM then said I can only sell you two halves.

I then took a chance that the new HEB by my home may still have some ham, with the hopes that their communication skills may still be underdeveloped and not everyone got the memo about selling ham. I was right and the deli worker quickly agreed to set aside a whole ham for me. When I arrived to the deli the young lady handed me the ham and one of her co-workers said "we are supposed to let the shift manager know if we are selling ham like that" I did not want to get the young lady in any trouble so I called back to the store and told customer service what a outstanding worker she is.

I spent some time going over concerns with our BEK Houston Representative. I explained that I need them to be more on point with having what we need when we need it. There have been too many times they have been out of product. He is taking this back to his team and he has committed to working on this.

It was a busy shift until 9:00 p.m. and all team members were able to take breaks. I asked Leti to stay over because I had to go from I10 and Bunker Hill to the City of Manvel.

Next shift be on the lookout for

Produce called in a little late

1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet? 


2. KMOD stuff:

3. Food stuff:

  • We should have enough ham in store until our truck Tuesday
  • Keep an eye on Parmesan Reggiano

4. Sales for the shift: $8,310

5. Labor for the shift:  4%


Dough/Dish: Meredith


Z1R: Danilo

Z2R: Juan Carlos/Leti

Z3R: Carlos

Z3R: Gabino




Z4M: Ramona/Raymond

Sub/Salad: Evelin

6. How did you show love? 

  • I gave Leti a verbal high five for staying to help out
  • I purchased baked chickens for the BOH

Notes for FOH: Slices were moving quickly and there was good communication between the BOH and FOH


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