Notes about the shift in general:

Slow, but not dead Monday with lots of prep to do but Raymond and Juan Carlos definitely set us up for success. Checked and put away BEK, PFG, SOFO, and Houston Avocado orders.  Everyone helped everyone to get as much done as possible. Juan prepped rice krispies, Danilo shredded mozzarella, etc. I had Gerardo do bread today (bake and prepare for tomorrow) so we should have a stock in the freezer again and not have to struggle to catch up on days when there is only one person for dough prep. Meredith helped him finish pizza dough since the bread set him back. The day started with 5 x 12"s as has been the trend so I think the bread surplus is warranted. I started on Italian Assorted because we are down to the last bit of ham and no more dry salami, but approximately 45 portions of assorted remain so we should be good until the delivery arrives tomorrow. 

Next shift be on the lookout for:

Meats. Basil is low but we should be good for tomorrow. Aaron ordered red plates so we should be good there. 

1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet? 

4 across the board

3. Food stuff:

Warmer weather means those sicilian's were popping out the pan today. 

4. Sales for the shift: 


5. Labor for the shift:


Notes for FOH: Good shift.


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