
 AM: Everyone showed up this morning. We only had the line in back open and kept marsal closed down so we could utilize ovens for baking off our cheesecakes. We ran 3 toppers, 1 pounder and 2 on roto and we sent through 3 every 5 tickets. They kept up for most part but they need to give themselves more time to prep up pies and work on being faster on toppings. Will and Jose did okay working together on roto. They had good communication but they still need to get use to having someone put in pies and being able to keep up with the pies as well. We will continue working on that this week. Produce cooler has been organized and threw out any bad produce. Did BEK and PFG and Hardies order but did not do SOFO as we do not need anything from them til Friday. Hardies produce came today and mushrooms looks thinner and much nicer. I did also get an uncut case to see how long and what us cutting them looks like since the thickness of mushrooms has been an issue last two weeks. Green bells from Hardies looked small so we need to make sure we are not only checking quality of produce but also size as we can not cut and use them when they are as small as they are. That way we sent them back when produce comes and if we get with rep right away they will get us what is needed same day. We need to stay on top of that. Today I had them do Sicilian dough, garlic knots and sub bread. Tomorrow we will bake off sub bread and croutons. We will also be rolling out Sicilian tomorrow as well. Pizza cuts were good and on point today. Details on pizza line are getting better as they are really paying attention to the crust and topping placements. Mushrooms look better and cooked on pizzas as they are thinner. BEK is bringing our lady fingers as online they are out and I got with Eric who said that those can be used as sub. I made sure to get with him. I am also going to grab diet cokes and ricotta whole milk at restaurant depot as they are out of Diet Coke and restaurant depot has our ricotta sub which I also confirmed with Eric when he was here last week so that we had a source for it until BEK can get it in stock and in warehouse. 

PM> 11/15/22

 • We were short on staff for the closing day part. I had to encourage staff to work with a higher sense of urgency

The temperature change and the recent thunderstorm may be impacting dough quality. We made small changes to see the impact.

Cheesecakes were made and we will check the outcome tomorrow

The staff were reminded to wear the reflective vest when taking out the trash as a safety precaution 

Meatballs for the pizza topping were cut to large.  The management team was informed and a video of the correct procedure was sent as a training tool for the prep. Team

Toast was checked and all team members were clocked out

One of the patio doors was found unlocked during final walkthrough


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