Nov 5 Pm

People: Kevin showed some frustration today. I need to get him into the habit of letting people help with dish. Jordy also need to understand that he is training for dish. He has been focused on prep but his next shift, I want him on dish and I want Kevin to pull off a bit.Linda did not show up to her shift today(NCLS). I had to tell Meriwether and Kevin that we can not be showing PDA at work. It is something I think we will have to have an actual conversation with them about.

Product: We have 2 recipes of pizza sauce that were made without bail. We will have to add basil to them next shift. The salad are coming out more consistent with both groups. Cynthia put in a order for produce to arrive Tuesday. I had salad get rid of some stuff that wouldn't last until Tuesday.

Procedures: Closing down is taking a bit longer then it should. We'll have to monitor it. I had to have a talk about breaks and how it affects the team if your break is overstayed. Rubil, Roxana,  and evelin got shirts today and they filled out forms for them. In put days forms on Cynthia's desk. Recycling never came so we did have to take a lot of boxes to the dumpster today. 

Presentation: pies are looking great. Very consistent, good distribution of ingredients, great shape. Rubil is being sure to cut a snake out of it comes out a bit oval-shaped. They learned the party cut today. I had prep do some deep cleaning in the back. Polished the fridges and so on.

Preformance: everyone did pretty well in terms of training. It's really the speed they need to work on. They got 7 pizzas done I'm 45 minutes. Ideally when we first open were gonna have 2 toppers, and maybe that will speed it up, but also evelin is still on week one and even is relatively new to pounding. Everyone is excited to get better though. They are a team that wants reassurance that they are doing well and also they want that constructive criticism.

R&M: the stairs are not sealed. I had them clean the stairs and rails but the water was dripping through the bottom of the stairs. There was a large pull under the stairs. Islay and Christopher were able to pull all the water out from under there but if we plan to put anything down there we're gonna have to seal them. All the stuff that was under there, we pulled out and put into the hallway.


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