wed nov 9 pm
👉🏾I had to have a final, I will send you home chat with everyone today. I'm gonna stay form in it.
👉🏾Jirdan is a real team player. He helps out where ever needed
👉🏾I hired a Herman Bailey. I'm waiting on information for orientation. Tomorrow we should get together about new hires
👉🏾Jordy seems to not have a care for general rules. He gets frustrated when we correct him.
👉🏾estalla shows real promise in having some leadership in prep. She directs well and is picking up in things that need to be made and how much. She's keeping us stocked for sure.
👉🏾We are in desperate need of basil. If possible someone can stop in for some tomorrow. I wouldn't have a problem doing so. We have none in house.
👉🏾Bread was really big today. Wencooked off some more and it was really good. Kevin made it. He didn't need much by way of assistance. Some were a bit over done but not unusable.
👉🏾Recycling was not picked up last night. I had jordy and Chris take clean up around the Bins and we will leave them out again tonight. We are having a problem with breakfast club customers throwing stuff away in them. Also the guys who are working in the patio
👉🏾I'm trying to get prep in a rhythm. 7am take out Sicilian and take out bread for cooking. The bread that is made everyday should be put left out until its proof and then put in the cooler to bake the next day. I want then to think ahead for those things. Cookies need to be baked in the morning and so on
👉🏾the bread Kevin cooked off looks great.
👉🏾I had the kitchen do polishing today. Things look good.
👉🏾I'd like to figure a way to better clean the floor, I feel like it never looks clean.
👉🏾we simply need more night people. Today I had 2 on pizza line. I'm going to have to move Chris all together. With Michelle gone and even handling his sister's dentistry I only had 2 in the line today. We tried Islay on pounding and she was kind of a natural.
👉🏾team work is there but speed is not. A lot they can make up for with team work and assisting each other but they need practice with volume. W
👉🏾w/ Foh training they can find in 3 pizzas per fine slot and we can have a go at it like that. I think if I stay in the station for a good hour we can get a groove
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