12/17/22 AM SHIFT


  • 911's this morning: NO GARLIC KNOTS ( We were able to get these made first thing and we have one rack at moment) We will be making more dough for knots for tomorrow. We also had to throw out about 20 trays of Large and 10 XL as they were so big that they could not be used. We raised the heat in kitchen to see if we can get dough ready and XL look like they are rising more. So far we are okay on XL. We also had to make house dressing on the fly as well as pizza sauce. Everything else looked okay. Biggest issue will be the dough but we will be making it til close and we are going to try to get a few of those batches sped up a bit. We do need to also watch Chicken. We had quite a bit of chicken but we are making more than needed and then having to throw away at night. I have spoken with salad and sandwich and let them know to cook 3/4 then when down to 1 cook another 3/4 but to just fill up pan and hope we sell them is wasting chicken and we do not have a lot in prep cooler so please watch this.
  • Dez was going to call in due to his car having issues but he was able to get it started so he came in just late.
  • Cookies look good today!
  • I organized upstairs storage, put chairs out as well. I also went and organized mop sink once again (I seem to do this a lot and not sure who is making the mess but not seeing my boh do it)
  • I also organized dry storage near prep coolers. We need to make sure we are not opening up multiple items and just one at a time please.
  • I heard about Jordan last night, I have not gotten call from him but his sister passing away let's be prepared for him to take some time off. 
  • I heard salad times got high last night. Not sure if this was after Jordan left or while he was here but I am looking into this to see what happened. 
  • Still had a couple over bookings from foh. I let Niki and them know as when we get busy over booking through busy shift will cause chaos in boh so to please watch overbooking as I have not worked a shift yet that I have not seen that on or not had to deal with tickets and no times on them at all. Also, expo was asking for garlic knots and marinara later than he should. Better then when he ran out Sunday and told us but expos really need to give a good heads up on knots and marinara as those take time. I have explained this twice now to expo. I also saw him answer his phone on the expo station as he was bagging orders. Not sure how foh does personal calls but he did this right infront of spinners. 
  • I let Van know that I would be dropping huge drink order on Monday to fill the back up shelves up stairs so that they will be sitting on them so we have them in house. I also let him and Niki know today that they need to get with their foh and organize the shelf I gave them in my produce walk in. It's overflowing into my produce shelves and I need them to keep it organized if I need to do ordering. Since they will not have to keep up with it they need to at least have it organized for us. 
  • Sicilian looking good for most part. Some need some more time and some look great. We have enough today to run full pies and slices for those.
  • We need to watch sub bread as I hear we cut it close last night and we are not sitting heavy on it now. We will need to do maybe a 2nd batch of that when we can. We have one full rack for tomorrow to bake off just waiting on them to proof a bit more.
  • I let Chris G. go home today as he needed a mental health day. Not sure what is going on with him but I think he its just having a hard time in general in his personal life and its flowing over into work. We just need to be aware and make sure he is okay. 
  • Im bringing in paper plates tomorrow morning when I come in as we had little over a case for today. 


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