1/25/23 PM BOH CG

1.  How many pies did we run on the timesheet (⅖, ⅗, etc)?
We are running 4 every 5 across the board

2. KMOD stuff
we had kmod meeting on Tuesday before modsquad meeting. I am working on the notes and it should be in its file for KMOD meeting notes folder soon. We went over items that we need to tackle and focus on. I have placed a file holder on the wall near the small mixer and it has Sicilian sheets, dough count sheets that can be used to count the dough on and place what needs to be made along with a pizza sheet folder and one that has the packet with how to build the kit and pictures of it for guidance. It also has a holder on bottom that holds, thermometers, probe wipes, sharpies and test strips for dish machine. This way we have all papers needed down stairs. I also have more wall holders so we can place station books at station without using what small amount of room they have and also to place our MSDS and Ecolab pest book so that they live in one spot and can be easily found for inspections or if needed. 

 3. Food stuff (Notes about food issues)
There were a few items today. The lemon ice did not have the tartness it needed. It was not off by much but it was a tad off as it did not give that back of the throat tart taste that you usually get from it. The caesar I had them remake as well as it was a bit too spicy on the back of the throat. Initially it was not crazy spicy just hit after the fact a bit harder than normal. We have cut this back so we had it remade and made sure to taste it afterwards to make sure it is good. Pizza sauce I have seen is alot more consistent in the taste more and more. They are doing a better job of making sure that when this is made that they are mixing it up well and making sure that we are getting right amount of ingredients in there as well. Cucumbers we had them put in drip pans as they did not have them in there and cucumbers were full of water. I did throw out what was on line as they did not look great and I made sure to show salad and sandwich line that they needed to make sure that cucumbers had the drip pans on bottom and we went over the look and what good cucumbers look like. We also spoke with the line about weighing the cheese out every time as some of the cheese pizzas looked a bit cheese heavy. We need to watch and make sure they re weighing the mozzarella as they are heavy handed with it at times. I did hand sheet to Van for waste and employee food. They ended up closing out drawers right at 11pm so I did not get my slices into them in time so I have it written down for KMODS tomorrow to have on waste sheet/emp food sheet so that it gets accounted for! 

4. People (Z1R, Z2R, Salad, prep, etc) (Salad: Juan- he did great, even helped top pies in downtime, wants to be a trainer, etc)

Jordan and Lea did great on salad sandwich, they kept up with tickets and got out food. They did get given tickets with not enough time given to make but since we were slow it was not an issue but it will become an issue if this continues and happens on busier nights. Foh is still having issues with giving the right amount of time for cold and hot subs. The line in back did a good job. They need to be more proactive on tickets and making sure they are working them in the correct time sequence as well. They are doing good with handling the 4 every five. Only caught one overbooking at start of shift by one pie so 5 were booked but other than that it seemed like times on tickets was the issue with foh tickets on line this evening. We also did witness one ticket that they used a old time slot to make it work but in theory they overbooked as they should have not used a old slot that was not realistic for that to run in. Charles witnessed this when it happened. There were a few more tickets that came in with not enough time noted on ticket for pies to be cooked. Example is one pie being rung in at 8 with a 8:10 ready time. I did make sure to point out to Van and let him know along with the expo in letting them know that it could be 5 minutes later as not enough time was given. This happened more then no times on tickets. Luckily we were slow so no issue but again when we pick up or if it was a busier night it could have snowballed had a manager not been watching all tickets out of the printer. Gambino and Rubil did good on roto. Gambino is getting better and just needs to focus on his cuts and making sure all of the pie is cut so that slices no matter where on the pie is picked up its not sticking to another piece of the pie. But he is definitely getting better and better with each shift he works. Rubil is strong on roto and does a great job of taking lead on the line for sure. He is a great asset to have in pm in this spot and the team respects him as well and listens to him. Baily on dish is doing a good job. He does great in marsal as well but we are utilizing him in dish as Chris has been calling out and we are working on getting him in and getting him gone. He is unreliable and just does not want to work. This loop on Chris will be closed as soon as he comes in as we have not seen him. Prep team is doing good. Sonia is slow and we might need to watch her more but Elizabeth and Isabel are doing well and seem to be picking up prep. We will continue to monitor them but I think them with Estella training them is going well. Raymond has his prep timing going now and we are going to make prep efficiency our mission to get up to 150. We are and will continue to do our best to drive this number up for us. I think once our prep teams are trained up as we have new prep staff as we have moved Wendy into shift lead and utilize some of the original prep we hired up to line as they were better suited for line and that's were the need was at that time. Silvia and Roxana work very well together in marsal and do great with Henry and Jose up there with them. We moved the ticket printer and have a better ticket holder for them now so they are all really happy with the new set up and they do feel it is easier and better for them to handle the slice window now. Jose did stay tonight to help us out as we did have Chris call out and then they called off 2 line ppl in pm shift so that we could cut a bit going into weekend where we would need the bodies.  We were able to shut down roto line at 10:30pm to start closing it down as marsal was more than able to handle walk ups and slices at that time last hour. All pies came on time and had no kick backs or fly pies which was nice. We were very slow as well. Other than no times on tickets and not giving enough times all ran smooth in boh. 

FOH: foh did a good job tonight, I had to let expo know about not enough time given so that we would have them 2 or 3 minutes past those times but all and all very smooth. Good communication tonight and did not see any confused guests or anything up front. They were all doing a good job and taking care of guests. Had a good crew on for expos and when Van did have to address times on tickets or not enough time they were very receptive and understanding of it. That issue did stop after about a hour or so if it happening so they definitely understood and were working on that. All and all great job in foh tonight in running their shift from boh perspective. 

5. How did you show love? (verbal hi-5’s, public praise, complemented food, etc.
Let Gambino know his slices were looking great after Charles and I showed him to make sure all pies got cut perfect.

 6. What did you teach someone today
Went over cucumber and quality with Jordan. Went over the caesar dressing with estella and had her taste difference. Let Meredith know that the lemon ice was off by a tad as that tartness should hit you hard at the end of the bite. 

7. Repair issues
Autochlor came out as pan blaster was not pulling enough. They figured out that the water should be hot for that and it is connected to the cold and that the sanitizer should be cold and it's hooked up to hot. They put them in swapped and so tomorrow morning he will be back to fix this so that pan blaster will have hot water with it and sanitizer will have cold hooked to it. We also need them to look at hose on dish pit as it needs to be bolted again and secured to wall. Came off the wall last night. Baily got it back on but it needs to be addressed! I will be calling Raymond in am as he is opening manager and that way he knows about this when Autocholor comes in am to fix the cold and hot water issue with the three compartment sink. 

Pro-tips: Reflect on what’s working well and what needs more work each day.

Notable things that happened:
  • Charles in town to help get systems in place and help us crack down on any issues
  • Raymond finished up the prep timing tracker and that is being utilized. We might want to start with just us managers using this sheet for us to monitor and maybe if there is an issue or item that is an issue in prep we place it in front of them. I think it might be a bit too much too soon as its a change that we need to spoon feed them little by little so that we do not make them feel bad about being at where they are right now. I say we take this tool and use the next two weeks and if after week one there are certain prep employees that are not where they should be we then utilize with them at their station but until then lets come at them a bit softer and not so hard. Thoughts KMODS? Just do not want to bring any moral down as we are all doing good and we are all new to all of this so we have to remember that. We just want to push to be better sooner then later. Lets think about the middle ground :)

I’ve been thinking about:
  • We need to make sure to get days off into me by previous Wednesday of next week. I also want all KMODS to be able to give me one work and one personal goal that you are setting for yourself by next kmod meeting. It's important that we get all these systems in place and that we are executing to the best of our abilities but we also need to take care of ourselves and families. I need all of us on our team to really speak up and be sure to let me know if its ever too much or you need time as I want you all to be mentally strong as we need to be to execute what we need in boh. Feel free to come to me anytime and talk, I understand more than anyone the importance of mental health. Just wanted to put this out here again and continue to make this a focus for us as a whole as well. We also need to be thinking this way for our staff! They have been through alot of training and hours so lets also take these things into consideration as we are asking and executing these newer systems as we do not want to send a huge shock to staff small bites and pushing to take bigger bites but it needs to be done in a way that we do not burn them out or stress them out to the max with. 


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