8/28/23 Monday a.m. W/Raymond
Notes about the shift in general:
I arrived at arrived at 5:45 a,m. to get ahead of the day, putting away two of the trucks, doing the dough count, baking off red peppers and eggplants. Please queue the violins. Although the staffing has been realigned, our opening process still needs to be completed. Will and Lorena did very well as the only 2 cooks working from the marsal. There was a lot of pressure on Dina at prep. With a limited number of prep team members we have put much more on Dina's plate.
Next shift be on the lookout for:
Sicilian quality
1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?
2. KMOD stuff:
Shift scrub completed and Leo job code correct to Salad from 2k
3. Food stuff:
Please keep close eye on sicilian on dough prep
4. Sales for the shift: $1,081
5. Labor for the shift: 16%
Dough/Dish: Gerardo
Prep: Dina really was challenged
Z1M: Will
Sub/Salad: Leo
6. How did you show love?
7. What did you teach someone today?
8. Repair issues:
There are no noteworthy R&M at this time
The stuff about the stuff:
Notes for FOH: The FOH did well. I only ran two slices to guests for the FOH
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