Saturday 12/30/23 AM BOH CG

Notes about the shift in general:

 Very very very slow for a Saturday. No deferred orders in am but did see one for 7pm this evening with a nice amount on it and two others for 5pm hours that totaled up to nice amount but nothing in am. We got small little pops but nothing crazy. Lana accidentally scheduled only Will and Juan so I ran marsal ( which I totally missed when looking over schedule myself!) but it ended up working nicely as far as labor. Lana came in at noon as mid and started running breaks. I did will call calzone boxes and a case of chicken breast from BEK and grabbed that before open as well. Produce order came in around 1pm today. Been noticing Houston Avocado has been hitting us late this week. 

Before open I tried to get UBER on tablet we use for xtrachef and that did not work. Then tried on computer but I could not get access to issue when I called support bc I am not listed on account. (Mettler let me know he would add me and Ross so that we can get them to help us with issues if needed as well) Lucky for us we got us Mettler bc he came in and dealt with support and got us up and running on UBER so we don't. miss those sales! THANK YOU METTLER!!! 

Next shift be on the lookout for:

Be on lookout for over prep and items we are low on. WE will not get any orders until Tuesday morning! I have a feeling we will be good with what we have in store right now as I do not see a hard hit on Monday with everyone always trying to start eating healthy. Give them a week or two and bam they will be back..... our pizza is good and they will come :) I just think we will have a slow down for a week from what Im feeling. If any of you feel differently please let me know and we can definitely discuss and game plan KMODS. 

1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet? 

2. KMOD stuff:

Watch eggplant, 

3. Food stuff:

We need to monitor our proteins and cheeses. I think we should be okay to get thru but lets just keep eyes on items we have discussed.

4. Sales for the shift: 

5. Labor for the shift:


Dough/Dish:jose (Leo helped out first two hours of his shift.

Prep:Dina(had her bake off 50 cookies as we had none to start the day with. 



Z3R: Will





Sub/Salad: Leo

6. How did you show love?

7. What did you teach someone today?

Mettler taught me how to deal with petty if there is a issue

8. Repair issues:

The stuff about the stuff:  

Notes for FOH: Good JOB! Really great guest interactions and no issues in am!


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