1/28/24 Sunday p.m. w/Raymond
Notes about the shift in general: Just a reminder. With the current manufacturing issues that Boars Head is currently having with pepperoni, we need to be diligent in sending pictures of the bad product and the box label to Houston Deli. We must send the bad product back in the box that it came in. Please remember to cc mid-town when sending the email. This is important to ensure timely credits. Today we are sending back a total of 13 bags
It was a good shift handoff. All products temperature checks met standards. Ovens and refrigeration temperature checked out correctly. The shift started slow but then picked around 6:00 p.m. Evan was moved to press sicilian as a learning opportunity for his shift on Tuesday. He did very well on his sicilian press. He is looking forward to the opportunity on Tuesday. Juan Carlos was moved over to assist with the roto line when Evan was moved to Dough /Dish. It was a good shift and productive.
Taking a close look at the sales by hour, you can see the following:
The shift started slow with sales peaking from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The sales declined after 7:00 p.m.
We were hoping for a bump in sales with all the activity in the down town area
Next shift be on the lookout for:
1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?
4 /5
2. KMOD stuff:
There are no pending deferred orders for this week or next week
Shift Scrub:
Changed Lorena’s job code on 1/25/24 from 1k-2k
3. Food stuff:
When I arrived the sicilians were looking very good
Salad dressing tasted and approved.
Please be focused on Sub shredded lettuce. I discarded two containers due to browning. They were both within shelflife. I spoke to Lorena about the quality and she understands that our lettuce browns quickly
Re: Pepperoni/ Boars Head is having problems with returned pepperoni. In the last three days we have sent back approximately 13 bags of pepperoni for credit. Please factor this into our orders so that we don't run short.
Because of extreme weather in many parts of our growing areas around the world -the items below are all in light supply and will remain so through January and up:
Red cabbage
Carrots jumbo and medium
White and cremini mushrooms
Red bell peppers
All Tomatoes
Food Pricing Awarness: This is just to be mindful of food cost and not intended to deter us from having an adequate supply on hand. Again, just be aware when receiving these products we should not accept anything but the best quality possible.
(Pricing made available by Houston Avocado)
Please note:
Lemons down $32.45 down from $35.35
Cucumbers $1.69 lb. up from $1.02 lb. the last 2 weeks
Onion White up $62 up from $51.45 the last 2 week
Tomatoes $48 up from 35.00 the last 2 week
Pepper Bell Green $23.65 down from $29.15 the last 2 weeks
4. Sales for the shift: $5,329 up against last week Saturday $5,801
5. Labor for the shift: 12%
Dough/Dish: Bailey/Evan: Evan will cover Dough/Dish on Tuesday, so he is working on pressing sicilian tonight. It is important that the dough prep list be completed during the day on Tuesday so that Evan can focus on Dough/Dish
Prep: Estela is doing very well at prep and she works to ensure that her prep list is completed. Estela was also assigned to dry the dough bins and remove the water. This really helps dough person to complete prep in the morning. It is a big time saver when there is only one dough person.
Z1R: Danilo has been on the lookout for substandard pepperoni. He brings anything he finds to management attention.
Z2R: Evan worked on pressing sicilians, getting ready for his Dish/Dough shift on p.m. Tuesday
Z3R: Gabino/Carlos/ Carlos had a few pies with slightly off cut slices.
Z1M: Juan Carlos is picking up speed and wants to learn more
Z4M: Roxana did very well as usual
Sub/Salad: Lorena and I talked about product quality and she is doing very well on Sub/Salad
6. How did you show love?
I gave Juan Carlos a verbal high five on his work at marsal and roto pounding
7. What did you teach someone today?
8. Repair issues:
EcoLab Tech. came in tonight and I walked the store with him and looked at areas needing our attention. We need to order toilet brushes to scrub the drains and corners. We are also ordering 2 more floor fans to assist with drying the floors
The stuff about the stuff:
Notes for FOH: The FOH did well. A guest ordered the whole pie, no heat. Ryan and I spoke with the guests and she said her husband thought that the whole pies were par-baked. I explained that we could par-bake the pie, but she said no, just make it the way you normally make it.
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