Thursday (03/28/2024) BOH PM Lana
Notes about the shift in general:
it was a smooth hand off. Raymond went on our weekly specs run and picked up anchovies. he also got some red bells from the store. He let me know that the prep list was long this morning so she didnt quite complete it. i made a small prep list for myself to dive into just to get the shift started. the shift itself was a busier one. we had a few good rushes on roto. we struggled a bit to keep up while running breaks but things didnt slow down until the end of the night ad then slices got hit towards the end. we were selling slices till almost 11:30. all and all it was a great shift.
Next shift be on the lookout for:
id watch out for italian. just get started on it as we dont have any back up made1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?
4 across2. KMOD stuff:
i worked on the schedule and i realized a gap for Saturday. without Evan we wiol need to find a topper. i will get with evelin about maybe working Saturday or i can get Meredith as a topper worst case. i will ask around3. Food stuff:
we had a problem with the ceaser. i ended up discarding it and starting a new recipe.
4. Sales for the shift:
$4,976.955. Labor for the shift:
Dough/Dish:Meredith handled dough and kept up with dish. she also helped with a bit of prep and topped a bit when it was busy
Z1R:danilo did really well and kept things going on the roto line. there were a lot of pies and he couldn't keep up with pounding and topping. he was really good about asking for help when it was needed
Z3R: carols is getting better about managing oven and topping while pies are cooking. he did well today though watch his topping because it was a bit messy
Z3M:bailey is getting better at getting a good cook on house pies. they aren't as dark as they were before. id like to see him call for pies a bit earlier though
Sub/Salad: evelyin was on top of her station today. she spent a good amount of time topping as well. she took lead on updating stickers eod.
6. How did you show love?
i thanked Evelyn for being so on top of stickers7. What did you teach someone today?
i showed Meredith how to prep spinach. she did really well8. Repair issues:
i still need help with the marsal cooler. Stephen said we needed to remove the back panel but we couldn't figure out how.The stuff about the stuff:
would like to make sure that staff knows that they can not order 85d items
Notes for FOH:
things were good up front. a lot of no times, but that was due to Evan training. we also had a lack of communication regarding Sicilian pie count
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