Notes about the shift in general:
Starting my day today I entered the restaurant and everything was in order everything was closed all the lights in the cold room were off everything was clean and the trash can for the boxes out there was empty and it was closed And the merchandise boxes for Pizza and everything else were already there and there I was arranging all the trash cans in each place where they should be I turned on the oven I checked that everything was working well then I started to upload all the merchandise also Gerardo helped me arrange the flour while me and Leonides uploaded all the merchandise up and from there I also went to arrange the merchandise in the cold room while the others arrived finishing there I began to check what was missing from preparation I made the entire preparation list for those who work in the pizza area and in the oven I also made the preparation list and so while I was helping them more merchandise arrived around 10:30 and we uploaded it all around 11 it opened and yes there were quite a few slices of pizza in front it was busy for a moment and then it got a little slow on the Flex roll while both in front if many slices of pizza came out as well as at 11:30 I sent them to their break and they finished around one and from there I went but Sintia had already arrived and helped me in front while meanwhile I came to eat and going down I helped them fill more Pizza in front while they began with their preparation because it was slow for a while and then I went to arrange the merchandise of what had arrived and around three as it was a little slow Pedro started to clean the refrigerator of the line where the Pizza is stretched it has a lot of flour and it is ground inside he already cleaned everything since it was a little slower while Juan Pu continued with the preparation and then a little more tickets began to come out and in front too and that was my shift in the morning today
Next shift be on the lookout for:
Well, everything is fine, a lot of merchandise arrived today, just a few things are missing, but Sintia is going to order them so that they arrive tomorrow. We already filled everything, we have everything necessary to close today and that was all.
1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?
4/52. KMOD stuff:
3. Food stuff:
The Sicilian slices rose quite well today and cooked very well, they don't stick and they swelled perfectly well. The pizza slices also came out very crispy and have a good color and the slices are the same size and cut. Also the Isasa pizza dressing has a very good flavor. Everything is in order for today.
4. Sales for the shift:
2,167.945. Labor for the shift:
Dough/Dish: Gerardo
Prep: Bernardina
Z1R: Juan
Z3R: Pedro
Sub/Salad: Leónides
6. How did you show love?
7. What did you teach someone today?
8. Repair issues:
The stuff about the stuff:
Notes for FOH:
Well, for the morning shift today we started the day very well. When it opened, enough slices of pizza came out and all the tickets came out in order with the names correct and with perfect times. All the waiters are very attentive to each slice and pizza that comes out and they check everything before taking it to the customer and there was very good communication. Not a single pizza flew out and there was no overbooking. For the morning shift, today was excellent.
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