10/27/24 Sunday Mid w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  First and foremost, Shout out to Will and Ronaldo for handling the booty wompin they took the last two days. Their efforts allowed me to slay other dragons. Thank you Sir Will and Senor Ronaldo! The day started with me dealing with the Boars Head ham embargo. I communicated with Charles and he is working on his end to assist us. I am expecting a delivery of ham on Tuesday if all goes well. All trucks were entered. All day the team was handling large orders. I kept Evelin to assist with prep that we just could not get to due to our sales volume. The labor and sales speak for itself. Our team does not see areas of responsibility. They only see opportunity and accomplishment. All BOH were able to take breaks. I am going to have to looks at staffing on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. We are trending up, but I don't want to jump the gun.

Next shift be on the lookout for

I open.

1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet? 


2. KMOD stuff:

Please check BEK Houston invoice for any items that did not ship

3. Food stuff:

4. Sales for the shift: $6,783

5. Labor for the shift:  4%


Dough/Dish: Carlos

Prep: Raymond

Z1R: Evan



Z3R: Juan Carlos




Z4M: Ramona/Raymond

Sub/Salad: Leti

6. How did you show love? I gave Romona a verbal high five for assisting with Sub/Salad.

Notes for FOH: Slices were moving quickly and there was good communication between the BOH and FOH


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