12/24/24 Tuesday AM w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  When I arrived I went over the dough prep list with Jose and again with Gerardo when he arrived. I completed the prep list and passed them out to each station. I then entered the truck order for BEK Hou and contacted the Rep. It started off slow and we had a few good pops. It was a good Christmas Eve shift. The guests and staff were in good spirits. All BOH team members had breaks. We did not have any fly or overbookings. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Next shift be on the lookout for

1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet? 


2. KMOD stuff:

The K-mod has been canceled

3. Food stuff:

Sicilians had a good rise and baked off nicely. Dressing were tasted and approved

4. Sales for the shift: $2,668

5. Labor for the shift:  39.3%


Dough/Dish: Jose/Gerardo


Z1R: Juan



Z3R: Pedro




Z4M: Raymond

Sub/Salad: Leti

6. How did you show love? I gave all team members a Merry Christmas and a big thank you for doing a great job.

Notes for FOH: Slices were moving quickly and there was good communication between the BOH and FOH


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