12/26/24 Thursday Mid W/Raymond
Notes about the shift in general: When I arrived, I started on the truck orders. I found that BEK Hou delivered the wrong 16" pizza boxes, and another item that belongs to another restaurant. Our Rep was able to bring our boxes and took the other boxes with him. The BEK driver will take the other item when they deliver in the morning. I completed the daily scrub and then worked on the BOH schedule. It was a steady shift. After I completed the schedules I started the breaks. All BOH team members were able to take breaks. We had one over booking, but it did not impact the flow.
Next shift be on the lookout for
1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?
2. KMOD stuff:
Please don't forget to turn your assessment of the holiday operations
3. Food stuff:
Sicilians had a good rise and baked off nicely. Dressing were tasted and approved
4. Sales for the shift: $4,617
5. Labor for the shift: 4.4%
Dough/Dish: Meredith
Z1R: Danilo
Z3R: Carlos
Z3R: Gabino
Z4M: Ramona/Raymond
Sub/Salad: Evelin
6. How did you show love? I gave the team high five for pushing and keeping up with the tickets
Notes for FOH: Slices were moving quickly and there was good communication between the BOH and FOH
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