12/30/24 Monday Mid w/Raymond
Notes about the shift in general: When I arrived I completed all prep lists and passed them out. The truck orders were a little larger than usual due to the expected sales over the holiday. I contacted Alsco regarding their failing to deliver out PARs but charging us for it. Alsco is to check out with a k-mod before they leave. I went over the holiday delivery schedules with all vendors. I followed up with a few vendors regarding pending items on my To Do list. At 11:00 a.m., I went down to cover marsal. It started a little slow and then slice sales picked up. We had a number of 911 prep items this morning that had to be completed. All BOH cooks were able to take breaks. I am getting with the k-mods regarding going down to 1 cook at 8:00 a.m. to open the Rotoflex line. With Wendy back assisting with prep, we have to offset a few hours. We will have to be informed by the FOH when there is an a.m. deferred order so that the necessary scheduling adjustments can be made.
Next shift be on the lookout for
1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?
2. KMOD stuff:
Please confirm that Alsco has delivered the required PAR. If they fail to deliver our PAR, send notification on Slack K-mod channel
3. Food stuff:
Sicilians had a good rise and baked off nicely. Dressing were tasted and approved
Cannoli cream was one of the prep 911s. We did not have the cram ready in time for an order that was placed. Cannoli cream was prepared but it was not approved and more had to be made.
4. Sales for the shift: $2,943
5. Labor for the shift: 36.1%
Dough/Dish: Gerardo
Z1R: Danilo
Z3R: Juan
Z4M: Raymond
Sub/Salad: Leo
6. How did you show love? I gave the BOH a verbal high five for pushing and keeping up with the tickets
Notes for FOH: Slices were moving quickly and there was good communication between the BOH and FOH
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