Notes about the shift in general:
Well when I came in I was in front selling slices of pizza, it was just Juan and I and Raymond was organizing the merchandise that arrived upstairs and also downstairs in the cold room, it was a little quiet for an hour and then Juan Carlos called me and told me that he was going to be a little late, so I told Juan to stay a little longer, like half an hour, Carlos arrived and then Raymond told me that he had to make a cream for Cannoli because what was there was very watery and was no good anymore. With Berandina's help I called him and he told me how it was going and if it came out pretty good and the others I threw them away. At about six the work started a lot and it didn't stop, it was too much until I told Bailey to help me in front since there was a lot of work and when I could, around 7:30 I sent them on their break, everyone went and we managed to finish at nine, then there was no Cheesecake left so I started to cut one around 9:30 at that time it calmed down a little and that gave me time and then when I finished around 10 there was a lot of work out front. Also so we made Pizza and filling in front today was quite busy very good but everything went pretty well and all thanks to the team I have that can handle everything
Next shift be on the lookout for:
Well, what we're going to need for tomorrow is pepperoni. There are only two bags left and that's all there is. We're also going to need gluttons because there's nothing else. They should make three containers for tomorrow because there's going to be a lot of work and we have to be prepared.
1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?
4/52. KMOD stuff:
3. Food stuff:
Well, the Sicilians came out pretty good and the pizza slices were very crispy, also the pizza sauce and the dressings have a very good flavor.
4. Sales for the shift:
10,155.045. Labor for the shift:
Dough/Dish: Bailey
Z1R: Juan Carlos
Z3R: Carlos
Z3M: Gabino
Sub/Salad: Evelin
6. How did you show love?
7. What did you teach someone today?
8. Repair issues:
The stuff about the stuff:
Notes for FOH:
Well today there was a lot of work, only one Cecilia On The Fly came out, nothing else, everything else was very good, very good teamwork and most importantly there was very good communication, there was no overbooking, everything was magnificent.
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