
Showing posts from August, 2023

08/31/2023 BOH PM WENDY

Notes about the shift in general:  Well we were short on staff Mateo call off, i was trying to keep on dishes while Meredith was doing dough, i made pizza sauce cause we didn't had anymore, and Lana made Lemon Ice mixed because we don't have any more Lemon Ice for FOH and we didn't have any mixed to make some, but tomorrow we will be able to make some lemon ice, the line was good, it was busy on slices, i try to help for a little bit until it calm down a little, i try to do some prep but i was most on the time on dishes. Next shift be on the lookout for: Lemon Ice 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 5/0 2. KMOD stuff: It was good to had Lana as a Mid cause it help a lot with Mateo not coming, that that way i could focus on dishes. 3. Food stuff: Slices were really good exact side, good, sicilians were looking good too, and good taste. 4. Sales for the shift:  4,963.01 5. Labor for the shift: 30% People: Dough/Dish: Meredith Prep:  Z1R: Idael Z2R: Z3R:...

Wed 8/30/23 am Boh cg

Notes about the shift in general:   Slower shift. Lana came in at noon as I had office things to do after ops call ended. Next shift be on the lookout for: Sicilian dough, cookie batter-do we have it, is it rolled out ready to go for next day bake off?  1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  2/2 2. KMOD stuff: Let's just remember to add any  info  we can on marsal into notes. I was not down stairs very much yesterday but it seemed to be okay in the am.  3. Food stuff: We need to monitor romaine and iceberg coming in as it is  going  bad quickly or we are not rotating it correctly. Let's get with our prep team and make sure they are rotating product and checking as this was a critical point with health inspection with that one bad tomato. (one single tom was all it took, member that) 4. Sales for the shift:  5. Labor for the shift: People: Dough/Dish:Gerardo Prep: Bernadina Z1R: Z2R: Z3R:  Z1M:Juan Z2M:Will...

8/30/23 Wednesday p.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  The shift started off busy. When the volume became to busy Pies were taken to rotoflex to be baked off. At the same time sub and salad also was busy. Later in the shift it was a struggle keeping up with slices so I started baking XL pies out of the Rotoflex. There was some misunderstanding on dough prep. The prep  chart that I placed above the prep table has been removed. I was informed that it was replaced  but it has not been. My printer needs more ink so I will print it and replace it tomorrow. I sent a copy of the dough chart to all   k-mods Roxana and Idael are getting better at marsal but they struggled tonight. It was the sudden pop that got them a little behind. Once the needed pies were prioritized they we were able to get caught up. All cooks were able to take breaks. All cooks clocked out at or before their scheduled time. There were a few closing items left to be completed, but I was able to get them done. Next shif...

Tuesday 8/30/23 BOH PM Lana

Notes about the shift in general:  it started off pretty slow but things picked up around 8. at first i was knocking out some prep and then i got pulled onto the line through the rush and soon after we started running breaks. gabino and ronaldo are really getting a handle on marsal as a 2 person full service station. gabino struggles a lot with keeping up with slices. longest slice wait time today hit 11 minutes. He just about never worked marsal until last week so, hes learning quick and i have no doubt he will eventually get the hang of it. we should be making sure that they are setting up the station for success though. ill re-post the picture again about how the line should be set and ill make sure to go over it with am people as at night were having to reset it. ricotta should be up top on ice and mushrooms should be up top as well other than that, the close was pretty slow as i had to finish up with cookies and making rice krispies and i honestly couldnt help much. we will be...

8/29/23 Tuesday a.m. W/Raymond

About the shift in general:  It was an active day. I was able to get in early enough to bake off bread, croutons, cut and roast red peppers.. Meredith used the rotoflex to bake off cheese cakes, so I used the baby oven to roast red bell peppers. We had small pops throughout the shift. Leo was cut early from sub/salad and I took over until Lorena came in at 4 p.m.. All of the dough prep was completed by Jose and Gerardo. I spole with Mettler and we are moving forward with improved cost saving controls with our linen and chemicals Next shift be on the lookout for: It looks like we have to cut open at lease one head of lettuce on each delivery. They look acceptable on the outside, but when you cut into them thwy are browning. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  2/5 2. KMOD stuff: Remember the Salad job code 3. Food stuff: Sicilian were very good today. A batch of house dressing was rejected and more was made 4. Sales for the shift:  $1,309 5. Labor for the shi...

Monday 8/28/23 BOH PM Lana

Notes about the shift in general:  it was very slow and not much was coming in. we had a couple pops later in the night and i got on the line for those. i spent most the night on dough helping roll and crank out recipes. breaks did get run and it was easy to break them all honestly with how slow it was. Next shift be on the lookout for: basil. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  2/2 2. KMOD stuff: 3. Food stuff: sicilians were okay, not great. tomorrows will be better it looks like. 4. Sales for the shift:  3468.75 5. Labor for the shift: 34.12% People: Dough/Dish: bailey Prep:  Z1R: Z2R: Z3R:  Z1M:ronaldo Z2M: Z3M:roxana Z4M:  Sub/Salad: leti 6. How did you show love? no 7. What did you teach someone today? 8. Repair issues: The stuff about the stuff:   they've adjusted for sire to marsal. things were very smooth and they got into a steady groove with work divided pretty evenly. Roxana kept up really well and ronaldo stayed very organiz...

8/28/23 Monday a.m. W/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  I arrived at arrived at 5:45 a,m. to get ahead of the day, putting away two of the trucks, doing the dough count, baking off red peppers and eggplants. Please queue the violins. Although the staffing has been realigned, our opening process still needs to be completed. Will and Lorena did very well as the only 2 cooks working from the marsal. There was a lot of pressure on Dina at prep. With a limited number of prep team members we have put much more on Dina's plate.  Next shift be on the lookout for: Sicilian quality 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  2/5 2. KMOD stuff: Shift scrub completed and Leo job code correct to Salad from 2k 3. Food stuff:  Please keep close eye on sicilian on dough prep 4. Sales for the shift:  $1,081 5. Labor for the shift: 16% People: Dough/Dish: Gerardo  Prep: Dina really was challenged Z1R: Z2R: Z3R:  Z1M: Will Z2M: Z3M: Z4M:  Sub/Salad: Leo 6. How did you show love? 7. Wh...


Notes about the shift in general:  As soon as i got here i got jump on the line cause Pedro and Juan was already having problems on getting pies on time, that was at the time i got here around 3, but after that by 4 everything was good again, them everyone for the afternoon shift started coming in, Meredith let us know that she was going to be late because she had a family emergency, so Mateo was on dish for a little and i started pressing cicilians, Idael help on dishes too, Meredith came and we had to let her go because she was not feeling good, so Mateo had to finish dough and Bailey was called in for dishes and dough, it was not too much going on in the line so everyone was able to go to break. Next shift be on the lookout for: Iceberg Lettuce, he had a whole box but the lettuce was green with pink from the middle too so we didn't use it. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 5/0 2. KMOD stuff: I feel like Bailey gets too distracted going outside, to smoke or j...

8/27/23 Sunday a.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  The day started off well. The cooks pulled 5 day dough, but those pies were discarded and new pies were made. The team did well. Cynthia a I covered marsal. It was a smooth shift all around. Next shift be on the lookout for:                                 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 2. KMOD stuff: Shift scrub was complete. I changed all of Leo's clock in to 1K from 2K There are no deferred orders in snapshop at this time 3. Food stuff: Please keep an eye on sicilian. Ricotta is looking better We baked off 40 cookies. 4. Sales for the shift: $2,623 5. Labor for the shift: 1.7% People: Dough/Dish: Jose Prep:  Dina Z1R:Juan Z2R: Z3R: Pedro Z1M: Raymond/Cynthia Z2M: Z3M: Z4M:  Sub/Salad: Leo 6. How did you show love? 7. What did you teach someone today? 8. Repair issues: There no noteworthy repairs at this time The stu...