
Showing posts from May, 2023

Wednesday 6/1/23 BOH PM Lana

Notes about the shift in general:  overall a consistent shift with a few pops. Wendy was here to get us through the first. the line did okay pushing though nut Idael needs to get better at pounding and topping. he tends to just pound and wait for Rubil to top it. Breaks got ran after the last small push. dough was finished up quickly and Meredith went. bailey finished Sicilian Next shift be on the lookout for: 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 5/0 2. KMOD stuff: schedule for next week has been drafted without rubil. id like to get opinions on it from others on where we might need more coverage of if you think it seems reasonable. 3. Food stuff: no problems as far as i know. we were low on black olives but raymond ran to grab some 4. Sales for the shift:  $5,172.22 5. Labor for the shift: 34%  People: Dough/Dish:bailey worked on getting all stickers off containers and keeping dish organized Prep: eliza finished her list early Z1R:idael Z2R: Z3R:...

05/31/23 Wednesday a.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  The shift started off fairly slow and then continued to build. This was a direct impact of the street closer for the Thursday night event. All team members were able to take a break, We were grateful for the late pop, with the slow sales in the a.m.  We had a guest request for a pizza with no cheese, just romano and oil. I was hesitant to make the pizza for the simple fact that I did not believe the final product would be the best representation of our quality standards.  When I went to look at the final product, I was told that the pie was just sold with the other pies on the order.  I asked Brian if he had the opportunity to see the pie and he said that it looked ugly. I know we try to meet the requests of our guests, but we should not put just anything in a HSP box.  I am glad that all deserts were recoverable and we did not have to discard any. I want to thank Fowler for his assistance this week, it was appreciated. Next sh...

05/30/23 Tuesday a.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  It was not very busy. Jodi was cut at 1:15 p.m. and I took over Marsal. I Have instructed the cooks to not serve slices from the rack under the counter. They should serve slices from the display so that the K-mods can see the quality of the slices being served and head off any slices that do not measure up to our standards. There are some occasions when serving a slice from the rack will be necessary, but that was not the norm. during training Next shift be on the lookout for: Basil topping 1. How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 2. KMOD stuff:  Please continue to keep cleanliness in the forefront of our team’s mind.  3. Food stuff:  4. Sales for the shift: $1,551 5. Labor for the shift: 3% People: Dough/Dish: Jose pushed to complete most of the dough make  Prep: Dina did very well on the prep list, as always Z1R:  Juan kept tickets moving and on time for marsal and rotoflex Z2R:  Z3R: Pedro performed ...

Monday 5/29/23 BOH PM Lana

Notes about the shift in general:  it was a really busy shift. walking in i knew it looking at how much was going on. will ended up staying a bit longer to help out. there were a few times when tickets fell behind. it was a bit push with just the 3 of us on roto and 1 on marsal. in order insure house pies, Idael had to open up the marsal line to make his own pies. he did great keeping up with slices and the quality was good. i got on roto for most the night. we had Leti jumping in to help top and bailey was so backed up on dish that he couldn't get on to help. Mateo had a long dough list to get through and was stuck with it on his own and Ana was diligent and getting us stocked up with fly items like broccoli and rice krispies. every one manged to get a break by the grace of god Next shift be on the lookout for: basil. out.maybe something to pick up on the way in. i will get with Raymond about it tonight. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 5/0 2. KMOD stuff: re...

05/29/23 Monday Memorial Day a.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  It was a good day with a lot of activity throughout the shift. Will and Ronaldo were unable to take a break.  The BOH really put in the work and they were able to keep pace with the demand, I am very proud of them. Next shift be on the lookout for: 1. How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 2. KMOD stuff:  Please continue to keep cleanliness in the forefront of our team’s mind.  3. Food stuff:  4. Sales for the shift: $4,181 5. Labor for the shift: 23% People: Dough/Dish: Jose pushed to complete most of the dough make  Prep: Dina did very well on the prep list, as always Z1R:  Ronaldo kept tickets moving and on time for marsal and rotoflex Z2R:  Z3R: Will performed well at both ends of the rotoflex as well as topping Z1M:  Z2M:  Z3M:Jodi was on top of narsal all shift Z4M:  Sub/Salad: Leo was outstanding on sub/salad                    ...

5/28/23 BOH PM Wendy

Notes about the shift in general:  Today was not a crazy busy day, Meredith came in but she did sicilians and leave around 8pm, it was not that much on the prep list so Ana, Eli did a deep clean and leaved around 8:20, Mateo cleaned back door, organized dishes, clean the floor by the ice machine while he was waiting on sicilians to be ready to rotate, he finished with that and leave around 9:30 on the line it was not that busy but it was good to keep everyone working. just a sud, one salad and one pizza on the fly but nothing crazy it was just thickets that got loss. Next shift be on the lookout for: the people on the line need to get the stuff out of from the refrigerators below the line and check the dates cause today i found some Garbanzos that were expired since the 23th and they were with mold. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 5/0 2. KMOD stuff: is no more parmesan in the walking cooler.  we didn't have enough extra virgin olive oil but Cynthia went ...

05/28/23 Sunday a.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  It was a slow start to the day. In order to control prep efficiency, we scheduled the first prep cook at 10 a.m. That allowed me to cook off cookies, bread and red peppers by 9:45 a.m. This does have a potential probability for issues if there are call offs. Next shift be on the lookout for: Meatballs: there are enough for the shift and more on order for tomorrow morning. Red bell peppers should be one color, red 1. How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 2. KMOD stuff:  Please continue to keep cleanliness in the forefront of our team’s mind.  3. Food stuff:  Reminder, red peppers pm high on the watch list 4. Sales for the shift: $2,822 5. Labor for the shift: 39% People: Dough/Dish: Gerardo pushed to complete the dough make  Prep: Dina did very well on the prep list Z1R:  Juan kept tickets moving and on time Z2R:  Z3R: Pedro performed well at both ends of the rotoflex Z1M:  Z2M:  Z3M: Ranoldo...

5/27/23 BOH PM Wendy

Notes about the shift in general:  A day not too slow and not too busy, at times it was busy and at times it could be slow, but always with a little movement enough to keep everyone busy, around 10:30 got really busy on slices but Roxanna, Jose and Estela did really well on it. Next shift be on the lookout for: Sicilians, not all of them touch the corners but we leave them one on top of the other. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 5/0 2. KMOD stuff: We keep pudding Sicilians  inside of the warmer to proof when i dont think is necessary. When we bring down cheesecake we need to put a label for defrosted. reminder Roxanna is going to be out of town for Thurday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 3. Food stuff: slices were looking good, we only had like 1 pizza or 2 pizzas on the fly because they were too small. 4. Sales for the shift:  10,203.14 5. Labor for the shift: People: Dough/Dish: Bailey Prep: Ana, Eli Z1R: Evan, Idael Z2R: Lorena Z3R: Gabin...

05/27/23 Saturday a.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  It was a steady shift. I picked up anchovies and we are stocked. I was able to bake off red peppers, eggplant and  cookies before the cooks arrived.  Cynthia left in extreme pain. I am staying Wendy until I am not needed.  All BOH cooks received a break Next shift be on the lookout for: Red bell peppers should be one color, red 1. How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 2. KMOD stuff:  Please continue to keep cleanliness in the forefront of our team’s mind.  3. Food stuff: Reminder I had some challenges with baking cookies. Some of them did not pass approvel. I spokw with Cynthia and she gave me some tips on how the cookies bake differently on the top and bottom deck. 4. Sales for the shift: $3,430 5. Labor for the shift: 22% People: Dough/Dish:  Meredith and Gerardo pushed to complete the dough make  Prep: Edwin did very well on the prep list Z1R:  Pedro kept tickets moving and on time Z2R:...


Notes about the shift in general:   Shift started being steady from 630pm-9pm but then was not too steady. Not anything going on around in the area. There are graduation parties and end of  summer  parties going on this week and next week though so we could get hit! Next shift be on the lookout for: continue to monitor  Sicilians  as we are still leaving them out overnight and they are rising sooner then normal so lets continue to keep our eyes on them!!! 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 and 4/10s 2. KMOD stuff: Make sure we are getting waste sheet done and up on board.  3. Food stuff: We had  enough  for the pm shift but we are going to need anchovies. I will call Raymond in am and I can swing by and drop off some when specs opens at 10am.  4. Sales for the shift:  5. Labor for the shift: People: Dough/Dish: Meredith did a great job at finishing up dough. Lino and I finished off Sicilians  tonight. Prep: ...