
Showing posts from June, 2023

6/30/2023 BOH PM Wendy

Notes about the shift in general:  Pretty slow day, it was moments that we need to find something for them to do, we had to send Jose home an hour early because we were not busy, everyone was able to take a break, not much to do, it was just one sicilian the we had to remake because it was a little flat for one side but everything else was good. Next shift be on the lookout for: Roma tomatoes, and lemons to make lemonade. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 5/6 2. KMOD stuff: The little container with lemon ice that we mention on the meeting is prep and ready on the baby freezer. 3. Food stuff: sicilians looking good hopefully tomorrow they look puffy. 4. Sales for the shift:  9,104.93 5. Labor for the shift: 30.97% People: Dough/Dish: Lino, Meredith Prep: Estela, Eli Z1R: Idael, Evan, Josh, Josh was doing good tonigh he is learning fast i feel like one more week and he will be ready. Z2R: Lorena  Z3R: Mateo, Gabino Z1M: Jose Z2M: Z3M: Roxana ...

6/29/23 Thursday a.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  The shift started slow and then started to build. We had a sustained pop that ketp us busy. We had a salad that ran approximately 5 minutes late. We had two slices that was not heated enough for the guest. Leo had a large order with 5 salads and 6 subs that went out on time. A large dough prep was completed by Jose and Gerardo. All invoices were scanned and uploaded  Snapshot checked and this is currently pending: 07/01 Saturday 11:15 - Eleni B - 2 Pizzas cn JM Shift scrub has been completed and three changes were made Next shift be on the lookout for: Any product listed on the farm report 1. How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 2. KMOD stuff:  Please continue to keep cleanliness in the forefront of our team’s mind.  3. Food stuff:  This is the latest farm report, a helpful tool in purchasing our produce. Market Alerts Tomatoes are short as the south wraps up for the season. Quality and supply will be an issue o...

6/29/2023 BOH PM Wendy

Notes about the shift in general:  Today was a good day, we started a little slow so i put Idael and Mateo to do a deep clean, they clean the ceiling where the air conditioning exhausts are, i told them to move everything inside of the dough cooler and clean, they clean the wall under the tables on prep, behind the dough mixer, and the drainer on the dish area cause it had mold under, and it had some black spots where the flies leave they eggs, after that we started to get busy, we where doing okay but with someone training, and idael we had to remake like 5 pies because we were missing a toppings, and some didn't have pizza sauce around close to the crust so it was looking a little white, i send Jordan home early cause he was not feeling okay and Estela took his position, she was a little nervous but she did good, Mateo ask to leave early cause he had to take to bus at 10:40. A little crazy night but nothing that we cant handle. Next shift be on the lookout for: 1.How many pies d...

6/28/2023 BOH PM Wendy

Notes about the shift in general:  Good night, busy enough to keep everyone working but not crazy busy, it was like an hour or two that we didn't stop making pies, we got the new guy Josh training, it was a good night for dough it was not a lot to do just sicilians so we decide to move Estela to the salad station so she can train a little. Next shift be on the lookout for: the sicilians were looking good but we need to look if tomorrow touch the corners. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 5/0 2. KMOD stuff: COLAB was here tonigh he leave some recommendations for the fruit fly's about trying to leave the floors the most dry possible, to clean the drainers more, like scratch off the areas that look dark brown or black because those areas are where flies lay their eggs. he also told me he was going just to take measures, and send it to the determinate guy and Ross give him Mettlers card for him to send the pictures and the customization to Mettler. 3. Food stuff: 4...

6/27/23 Tuesday p.m. w/ Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  The shift started slow and then started to build. We had a few small pops but ticket stayed on time most of the night. Lino was cross training and had a few miss toppings.  I moved his training to a slower time. There weren’t many people to cut, based on the prior night’s activity at the end of the night. Dough and prep were cut early. We were able to get detail cleaning completed. All invoices were scanned and uploaded  Snapshot checked and there is nothing pending at this time Next shift be on the lookout for: Any product listed on the farm report 1. How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 and 4/0 2. KMOD stuff:  Please continue to keep cleanliness in the forefront of our team’s mind.  3. Food stuff:  This is the latest farm report, a helpful tool in purchasing our produce. Market Alerts Tomatoes are short as the south wraps up for the season. Quality and supply will be an issue over the next few weeks regar...

6/26/23 Monday p.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  The shift started very steady and then started to build. The team really had to work together. We had fly pies due to miss-toppings and bad cuts. Over all not our best night but the team took it all in stride. I found that the cookies that were being discarded were actually miss-labeled with the wrong discard date. The date sticker were corrected and we avoided the loss. Snapshot checked and there is nothing pending at this time Next shift be on the lookout for: Any product listed on the farm report 1. How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 and 4/0 2. KMOD stuff:  Please continue to keep cleanliness in the forefront of our team’s mind.  3. Food stuff:  This is the latest farm report, a helpful tool in purchasing our produce. Market Alerts Tomatoes are short as the south wraps up for the season. Quality and supply will be an issue over the next few weeks regarding all tomatoes. Garlic is in light supply Onions medium is...

06/25/23 Sunday p.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  The shift started very steady and then started to build. We had a few fly pies due to size, miss topping and shape, We will continue to work with the cooks to ensure that expo is kept informed about all fly pies.All of the cooks were able to take a break Lorena stood out during her cross training on sub/salad. We had a few ruff minutes of disconnect with expo on pies but Gambino and James quickly adjusted. Meredith completed dough early and she was cut early. Ana and Eli rapped up the prep list, completed there outs and was cut early.. I am seeing more hand washing  There were no invoices needing to be scanned Snapshot checked and there nothing pending at this time Next shift be on the lookout for: Any product listed on the farm report 1. How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 2. KMOD stuff:  Please continue to keep cleanliness in the forefront of our team’s mind.  3. Food stuff:  This is the latest farm report, a...

6/25/23 Sunday AM BOH CG

Notes about the shift in general:  Felt slow in boh. We ran one dish dough that came in at 9am, one prep at 10am, one roto and one pounder and one salad sandwich. I moved Juan over to marsal as we did not have someone in that slot and he was doing another training day on prep which he has been doing good with. Team in morning is stronger and stronger and now I think we could run a kmod in marsal for slices on slower days. I have some ideas about how to move staff into positions. (ex: prep in am could move to line to help top, pound or run marsal when pops happen. We just need to really look and see who we can really utilize more on slower days to make the most out of it.) Next shift be on the lookout for: Sicilians as they are not rising like before. They look good just not rising to point that we are having to get them in walk in right away. They are baking off nicely though! Let's make  sure  opening salad sandwich person is prepping up that station as much as poss...

6/25/2023 BOH PM Wendy.

Notes about the shift in general: Today was a good day, busy for some moments and slow in other but a good day, keep everyone busy during the night. everyone was able to took a break, only 3 fly pies, we had an order of 8 pies and James give us a time slat to have time to make the pizzas.   Next shift be on the lookout for: green whole olives, cynthia went to buy some at the store, but make sure we have some for tomorrow. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 5/0 2. KMOD stuff: I saw a lot of flys close to the light for the stairs, i communicated that with Cynthia and Jef and Cynthia said she is going to try to get Eco lab ASAP.. 3. Food stuff: Sicilians were looking good for tomorrow, now hope tomorrow they look good, ready to go.  We only had 3 pies on the fly, 1 it was too small, another one got lose, and another the cheese it expanded weird. 4. Sales for the shift:  10,157.19 5. Labor for the shift: 23.40% People: Dough/Dish: Bailey Prep:  Ana...

6/24/23 Saturday a.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  The shift started off slow and the staff was still pumped from the large order Friday.  It was a smooth shift and the team was in good spirits. We did not have any fly pies and pies were on time. Prep pushed to complete the prep list and did well. The invoice was scanned by Cynthia.  Shift scrub has been completed and one change was made for Leo Snapshot checked and this is pending 06/25 Sunday 1:00 PM - Brenda B - 12 Pizza Kits, 5 sides JM Next shift be on the lookout for: Any product listed on the farm report 1. How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  5/5 2. KMOD stuff:  Please continue to keep cleanliness in the forefront of our team’s mind.  3. Food stuff:  This is the latest farm report, a helpful tool in purchasing our produce. Market Alerts Carrots light supplies on jumbos Onions, light supply on mediums 4. Sales for the shift: $3,022 5. Labor for the shift: 11a-4p  19.8% People: Dough/Dish:  Jose...