6/30/2023 BOH PM Wendy
Notes about the shift in general: Pretty slow day, it was moments that we need to find something for them to do, we had to send Jose home an hour early because we were not busy, everyone was able to take a break, not much to do, it was just one sicilian the we had to remake because it was a little flat for one side but everything else was good. Next shift be on the lookout for: Roma tomatoes, and lemons to make lemonade. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet? 4/5 5/6 2. KMOD stuff: The little container with lemon ice that we mention on the meeting is prep and ready on the baby freezer. 3. Food stuff: sicilians looking good hopefully tomorrow they look puffy. 4. Sales for the shift: 9,104.93 5. Labor for the shift: 30.97% People: Dough/Dish: Lino, Meredith Prep: Estela, Eli Z1R: Idael, Evan, Josh, Josh was doing good tonigh he is learning fast i feel like one more week and he will be ready. Z2R: Lorena Z3R: Mateo, Gabino Z1M: Jose Z2M: Z3M: Roxana ...