
Showing posts from December, 2024


Notes about the shift in general:   When I arrived I was in front and it was a little slow, yes there were quite a few tickets but it was until five so I told them to fill out as much as possible and make quite a few Pitza in front so that they would have time to get all the tickets and yes, around five o'clock a lot of tickets started to come out and it didn't stop and then we got a ticket for 21 Pizza for 7:30 and there were quite a few pizzas coming out so I told Ryan to give me a little more time to be able to get the big ticket and yes everything went pretty well and everyone went on their break taking advantage of the fact that Danilo was there and Danilo still stayed for half an hour since there were quite a few pizzas coming out and around nine o'clock it was calming down a little but as always the ticket came out and in front too even Bailey helped us in front since it was too much but at the same time everything went pretty well Next shift be on the lookout for: W...

12/31/24 Tuesday AM w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  When I arrived I worked the BEK Hou truck order. The high sales yesterday depleted our stock on hand. I made a few runs to replenish what was needed. All of our vendors are closed tomorrow. It was a very active sales day. The Marsal and Rotoflex stayed busy with a few large pops. All BOH team members were able to take breaks. I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Next shift be on the lookout for 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 2. KMOD stuff: Please confirm that Alsco has delivered the required PAR. 3. Food stuff: Sicilians had a good rise and baked off nicely. Dressing were tasted and approved Cannoli cream was one of the prep 911s. We did not have the cram ready in time for an order that was placed. Cannoli cream was prepared but it was not approved and more had to be made. 4. Sales for the shift: $4,190 5. Labor for the shift: 27.1% People: Dough/Dish: Gerardo/Jose Prep: Dina Z1R: Juan Z2R: Z3R:  Z3R: Pedro Z1M: Z2M: Z3M:...


Notes about the shift in general:   Well when I came in I was in front selling slices of pizza, it was just Juan and I and Raymond was organizing the merchandise that arrived upstairs and also downstairs in the cold room, it was a little quiet for an hour and then Juan Carlos called me and told me that he was going to be a little late, so I told Juan to stay a little longer, like half an hour, Carlos arrived and then Raymond told me that he had to make a cream for Cannoli because what was there was very watery and was no good anymore. With Berandina's help I called him and he told me how it was going and if it came out pretty good and the others I threw them away. At about six the work started a lot and it didn't stop, it was too much until I told Bailey to help me in front since there was a lot of work and when I could, around 7:30 I sent them on their break, everyone went and we managed to finish at nine, then there was no Cheesecake left so I started to cut one around 9:30 a...

12/30/24 Monday Mid w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  When I arrived I completed all prep lists and passed them out. The truck orders were a little larger than usual due to the expected sales over the holiday. I contacted Alsco regarding their failing to deliver out PARs but charging us for it. Alsco is to check out with a k-mod before they leave. I went over the holiday delivery schedules with all vendors. I followed up with a few vendors regarding pending items on my To Do list. At 11:00 a.m., I went down to cover marsal. It started a little slow and then slice sales picked up. We had a number of 911 prep items this morning that had to be completed. All BOH cooks were able to take breaks. I am getting with the k-mods regarding going down to 1 cook at 8:00  a.m. to  open the Rotoflex line. With Wendy back assisting with prep, we have to offset a few hours. We will have to be informed by the FOH when there is an a.m. deferred order so that the necessary scheduling adjustments can be made. N...


Notes about the shift in general: Prep heavy morning, extremely slow for a Sunday until almost 3pm, then everything hit. Stayed busy across stations until almost 8pm. Sent Ronaldo, Juan, and Danilo home early during the a.m. shift. P.M. was the polar opposite, busy, even by weekend standards. Bailey covered Ramona's break, Evan and I covered everyone else's, breaks were done by 8pm. Placed the Houston Avocado order for tomorrow. Next shift be on the lookout for: Spinach will definitely be the first prep item. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 2. KMOD stuff: 3. Food stuff: Beautiful Sicilians, Evan did much better on House Pies today, sauces and dressings approved. 4. Sales for the shift:  $9986 5. Labor for the shift: 22 %  People: Dough/Dish: Meredith Prep:  Z1R: Juan Carlos Z2R: Evan Z3R:  Carlos Z1M: Ramona Z2M: Z3M: Z4M:  Sub/Salad:  Lety 8. Repair issues: Still just rocking one pane of glass on Roto. Notes for FOH: Good communicati...


Notes about the shift in general:   when all the things were in their place first I made the preparation list then I helped Juan fill in the line finishing we started to do all the preparation cutting red chili making lettuce and everything else and around 10 we started to make the pizzas at 11 and everything was ready at that time Will arrived so I started with the breaks and everyone went on their break starting at 12 it was really slow so I sent Juan to clean the refrigerator up here since it is quite dirty and Will sent Danilo to clean up there in the cold room and put some things away finishing that we made pizza in front but it was pretty slow so I left an hour early and since there was nothing and that was my shift for the day of Next shift be on the lookout for: Well, the only things that could be missing are spinach, but there are nine containers made and that is enough, all that is missing is for tomorrow. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 2. KMOD stu...


Notes about the shift in general: No initial rush, no deferred orders. All stations got a little pop from 2-3pm, then it died back down until dinner. Lots of prep to be done all day. Focused on critiquing Evan's marsal game so he can improve. Decent salad/sandwich pop at 6pm, all breaks were done before 8pm. Cynthia mentioned that Meredith had something going on but was trying to push through. Around 7pm she had a minor explosion, I think the state of dish on her entering, always cleaning the dough mixer after day shifts, plus doing Sicilians, when FOH asked her to do pistachios that was her breaking point. I helped out on dish for an hour until it was clear, I think she's at least in a better spot now. Next shift be on the lookout for: We are good on prep, short on a few produce items (spinach, roma, spring mix) and buttermilk, which Cynthia is going to pick up from restaurant depot tomorrow. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4 across the board 2. KMOD stuff: Runni...


Notes about the shift in general:   When I entered the restaurant everything was in order, the door was closed. When I entered, first I made the preparation list. The flour had already arrived. Jose arranged it. Then Raymond sent me a message. He told me not to turn on the oven because the window broke last night and he said that they have to fix it, so the whole pizza was cooked in front. But around nine o'clock, Cynthia arrived and told us that if we could remove the glass because when the person who fixes it arrives it's easier. So Pedro and Juan removed all the glass, since it has two, only one was left. With that, we turned on the oven and it works very well. The only difference is that when it opens it is a little difficult. When it closes, it goes up very quickly. But everything else is pretty good. When Will arrived, we took a break. Everyone had a break. When we finished, I went to help Jose make the dough since today he made five dough recipes to be prepared. On Tuesd...


Notes about the shift in general: Slices were steady, not as many to go pies as yesterday. I put in the SOFO order for tomorrow. We put away and organized orders from BEK, PFG, Houston Deli, and Houston Avocado. We had another broken case of OF Ricotta, luckily we have enough to get us through the weekend. Brian has been notified and will get us a credit. Prep heavy day as we've been running light after the break and busy days all week. Next shift be on the lookout for: Dough rotation. Those marked with Gerardo's name have extra yeast, warmth, and time outside the cooler.  1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4 across the board 2. KMOD stuff: 3. Food stuff: Sicilians looked great, house pies tasted delicious, sauce and dressings were on the mark.  4. Sales for the shift:  $2566 5. Labor for the shift: 44% People: Dough/Dish: Gerardo Prep:  Dina / Wendy Z1R: Juan Z2R: Z3R:  Pedro Z1M: Ronaldo Z2M: Z3M: Z4M:  Sub/Salad:  Lety Notes for FOH:...

12/26/24 Thursday Mid W/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  When I arrived, I started on the truck orders. I found that BEK Hou delivered the wrong 16" pizza boxes, and another item that belongs to another restaurant. Our Rep was able to bring our boxes and took the other boxes with him. The BEK driver will take the other item when they deliver in the morning. I completed the daily scrub and then worked on the BOH schedule. It was a steady shift. After I completed the schedules I started the breaks. All BOH team members were able to take breaks. We had one over booking, but it did not impact the flow. Next shift be on the lookout for 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 2. KMOD stuff: Please don't forget to turn your assessment of the holiday operations  3. Food stuff: Sicilians had a good rise and baked off nicely. Dressing were tasted and approved 4. Sales for the shift: $4,617 5. Labor for the shift:  4.4% People: Dough/Dish: Meredith Prep:  Z1R: Danilo Z2R: Z3R: Carlos...


Notes about the shift in general: Steady shift. No deferred orders, but a constant stream of tablet/to go orders and a decent amount of salad/sandwich throughout the day. No real pop, but busy enough that we are just now finishing up prep. Dough team knocked out 13 recipes today so good on them. BEK sent us the wrong 16" boxes again, I noted on the credit tracker and Raymond followed up with Brian. Dina is knocking out cheesecakes on top of prep. Cookies did not get made this morning because between cheesecake, bread, and croutons we ran out of oven space and time, luckily we have plenty to get us through tomorrow. Produce was ordered with Houston Avocado, SOFO will be ordered tomorrow for Saturday per their holiday hours. Next shift be on the lookout for: Two days worth of dough were made, make sure we keep the rotation right. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4 across the board 2. KMOD stuff: 3. Food stuff: First pepperoni sicilians today were a little lacking in flu...

12/24/24 Tuesday AM w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general:  When I arrived I went over the dough prep list with Jose and again with Gerardo when he arrived. I completed the prep list and passed them out to each station. I then entered the truck order for BEK Hou and contacted the Rep. It started off slow and we had a few good pops. It was a good Christmas Eve shift. The guests and staff were in good spirits. All BOH team members had breaks. We did not have any fly or overbookings. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Next shift be on the lookout for 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/4 2. KMOD stuff: The K-mod has been canceled 3. Food stuff: Sicilians had a good rise and baked off nicely. Dressing were tasted and approved 4. Sales for the shift: $2,668 5. Labor for the shift:  39.3% People: Dough/Dish: Jose/Gerardo Prep:  Z1R: Juan Z2R: Z3R:  Z3R: Pedro Z1M: Z2M: Z3M: Z4M: Raymond Sub/Salad: Leti 6. How did you show love? I gave all team members a Merry Christma...