
Showing posts from December, 2023


Notes about the shift in general:  Very slow when I got in but we did get a good pop from 5pm-8pm that was pretty solid booking out. We were overbooked about 4 Times tonight but I did let Ryan know and also let him know that we would still get them out on time as we stayed ahead of times so the overbooking was not a hard push but definitely something to continue focus on in foh as if we were not booked out it would have been a huge wrench in the roto line. But everyone worked together to push. I jumped from topping to salad to help Leti as she got hit hard for a bit during our pop. After 8:30pm it was slow again. I cut Meredith by 9:50pm and helped close down roto line and boh. I also let Estela go at 11pm as she is opening prep tomorrow. All and all good shift. Next shift be on the lookout for: Large boxes eggplant sausage 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/10 and 5/5 2. KMOD stuff: I will be by in am with items I feel that we might need to get through ...

Saturday 12/30/23 AM BOH CG

Notes about the shift in general:  Very very very slow for a Saturday . No deferred orders in am but did see one for 7pm this evening with a nice amount on it and two others for 5pm hours that totaled up to nice amount but nothing in am. We got small little pops but nothing crazy. Lana accidentally scheduled only Will and Juan so I ran marsal ( which I totally missed when looking over schedule myself!) but it ended up working nicely as far as labor. Lana came in at noon as mid and started running breaks. I did will call calzone boxes and a case of chicken breast from BEK and grabbed that  before open as well. Produce order came in around 1pm today. Been noticing Houston Avocado has been hitting us late this week.  Before open I tried to get UBER on tablet we use for  xtrachef and that did not work. Then tried on computer but I could not get access to issue when I called support bc I am not listed on account. (Mettler let me know he would add me and Ross so ...

12/30/23 Saturday p.m. w/Raymond

Notes about the shift in general: Sales started a little slow and then picked up around 6:00 p.m. Normally sales pick up around 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays. The last day of 2023 did not bring our usual Saturday. A few staff members are coming down with that looks like the first round of winter colds. A few were given the COVID test with no positive results.  We had two fly pies one due to a pie that was folded in the oven and one misstopping.   Taking a close look at the sales by hour,  you can see the following: 6:00 p.m. was the upturn in sales  sales stayed consistent unto 8:00 p.m. We were waiting for the last hour pop but it did no hit us as it usually does. I cut Danilo early to help keep labor costs down   Next shift be on the lookout for: I will pick up some produce in the morning to help get us to the next truck 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4 /5  5/0  2. KMOD stuff: Snapshot There are no deferred orders Shift Scrub: I correcte...

12/23/2023 BOH PM WENDY

Notes about the shift in general:  Shift was good, didn't felt really busy, we were good on staff, on some slow moments i was moving every where around, Carlos went on dough for a little bit and prep, he was topping too, and same with Danilo he was on Marsal helping, on prep, and he went to help Bailey on dish, everyone was good and everyone took a break around 7, we only had only one pie on the fly, we had to throw away a lot of cookies because they were really hard, at the end everyone had to help bailey with dishes. Next shift be on the lookout for: I didn't saw anything on the fly.  1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 5/0 2. KMOD stuff: Tomorrow we are going to have to bake some cookies, he didn't had any left, we have come portion on the freezer.  3. Food stuff: Only one pie on the fly, it was a mistake with the thicket so we had to remake. 4. Sales for the shift:  12,096.64 5. Labor for the shift: 23.92% People: Dough/Dish: Bailey Prep: ...

Friday 12/29/23 AM BOH CG

Notes about the shift in general:   Very slow shift in boh. There was a slow little walk up of slices but nothing overwhelming. See a good amount of people on the street so people are around. No  deferred  orders to start with this morning and there is one for 2 pies later tonight that is printed out on roto line. Sicilians were not pulled out of dough cooler and so I pulled them right at 7am but by 9am they were sat infant of marsal and at open we moved them close to Roto. They are starting to look better and baking off more like what we have been getting. Just need to remember to leave them outside in boh as the first bake off was very flat. Second round bake off really nice and fluffy and airy. Good taste. We got in our orders from BEK and PFG. SOFO is having to deliver our flour and fresh sliced mozzarella and feta Saturday am. It should be here by time we get in at 7am. We have enough bags of flour for today but we need the flour fr...

12/28/23 BOH PM WENDY

Notes about the shift in general:  Shift was good, not as busy as yesterday but it was moving, some moments of runs, but nothing super crazy, everyone was able to took a break around 9. Today was a Juan carlos AP on prep he couldn't do a lot because we got busy and we had to call him in on the line, and that was the only way i was able to run breaks, but he was able to make Ricotta, roll out cookie dough, cut red pepper, and he learned to but eggplant for pizza, we didnt had any overbookings today, it was a 6 pie order going at 6:30, and everything came out on time and good. Next shift be on the lookout for: Chicken, we don't have any more of the yellow ricotta, in case we need to made more, we dont have any more eggplant, we have 1 container on the line and one back up but that's all, we will need chicken. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4/5 2. KMOD stuff: We were short on paper towels, but Raymond brought some more. 3. Food stuff: We had  one sub on the fl...

Thurday 12/28/23 BOH PM Lana

Notes about the shift in general:  it was a fairly consistent shift. around 12 things picked up and it stayed busy until 1:30 or so and then we ran breaks. the flow was consisted the rest of the shift but not busy. slices stayed busy most the shift. it was rough as it was considerably busy. Next shift be on the lookout for: c fold towels 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet?  4 every 5 2. KMOD stuff: got the schedule out 3. Food stuff: sicilain is beautiful today. we also had some nice slices on top of that. dough was really nice 4. Sales for the shift:  $3,350.15 5. Labor for the shift: 27.53% People: Dough/Dish:gerardo and don jose Prep: estela Z1R:ronaldo Z2R: Z3R: juan Z1M: Z2M: Z3M: Z4M:  Sub/Salad:lorena  6. How did you show love? 7. What did you teach someone today? 8. Repair issues: The stuff about the stuff:   Notes for FOH: would like to make sure that were all on the same page on time sheet set up. 4 every 5 Monday through thurda...

12/27/2023 BOH PM WENDY

Notes about the shift in general:  Shift was good, started a little slow but around 5:30 it got busy, thickets were a no stop all night, we didn't even had the time to run breaks, they started tacking breaks around 8:30, in the middle of everything because it was no extras to be able to cover stations. around 7 i got a smell from the tomatoes, so i check them and the were bad, i had to throw away two container of pizza tomatoes and i prep some more for the line, i check the Margharita slices and the tomato had a bad taste so we had to stop selling Margharita slices until i was done prepping more tomatoes for pizza, i check the tomatoes too and they were bad, i throw away almost a whole box, but after that i was able to prep some for the line, we had a couple of fly pies, we were done with sicilians around 9, we didn't had any overbookings, and im honestly really glad with had Lorena on the shift today, it was a huge help. Next shift be on the lookout for: we would going to hav...