Notes about the shift in general: Steady day. No big rushes, but ebbs and flows all day long. Prepped up for the weekend. Sandwich continues to be heavy, just had 8 walk up 12" while covering Evelin's break, and that was after another substantial order. All breaks were done by 8:30pm. Next shift be on the lookout for: Crushed red, expected today, should be here tomorrow. 1.How many pies did we run on the timesheet? 4/5 2. KMOD stuff: Wendy is very slow on prep, has to be micromanaged, constantly distracted. 3. Food stuff: Sicilians had a good rise, house pies were great, dressings and sauce approved 4. Sales for the shift: $11087 5. Labor for the shift: 20% People: Dough/Dish: Meredith Prep: Wendy Z1R: Danilo Z2R: Juan Ca Z3R: Carlos/Gabino Z1M: Ramona Z2M: Z3M: Z4M: Sub/Salad: Evelin 7. What did you teach someone today? Danilo got a new phone and was having 7shift login issues because his account is associated with an old email address. Fixed t...